Weeknotes s01e16
TL:DR; Accessibile mermaids, bight riding and fabulous conversations. [week ending: 23/04/2021]

Weeknotes s01e15
TL:DR; Asynchronous communication, digital in integrated care and a whole lot of outdoors. [week ending: 16/04/2021]

Weeknotes s01e14
TL:DR; Back to a single job or five. Brilliant conversations and working across boundaries.
[week ending: 09/04/21]

Weeknotes s01e07
TL:DR; When things don’t work, it’s really frustrating, but there is huge potential to improve. [week ending: 19/02/2021]

An open standard for NHS patient letters
Ideas how open source and open standards could massively improve patient communication across health and social care.

Weeknotes s01e06
TL:DR; A bang to the head, slow progress and not much walking. [week ending: 12/02/2021]

Weeknotes s01e05
TL:DR; Surprise birthday party, Open Source excitement, filming and lots of walking. [week ending: 05/02/2021]

NHS Open Source Websites
Way back in 2010, in a dank basement in Sheffield, in the very early days of #SYWP (South Yorkshire WordPress), […]

Weeknotes s01e04
TL:DR; Making connections and meaning, heartbreak and hope.
[week ending: 29/01/2021]

Weeknotes s01e03
TL:DR; Exciting news, better governance, better service design. [week ending 22/01/2021]