Category: Weeknotes
Weeknotes s02e10
TL:DR; Physically accessible, being heard, Pineapple Day! g: 11/03/2022]
Weeknotes s02e09
TL:DR; Great time with participants, support for European colleagues, information spaghetti. [week ending: 04/03/2022]
Weeknotes s02e05
TL:DR; Pineapple day! Goodbye Spotify. How do you publish HTML? [week ending: 04/02/2022]
Weeknotes s02e4
TL:DR; Feeling supported. The rise of the QR code. Training and the processes of death. [week ending: 28/01/2022]
Weeknotes s02e03
TL:DR; Virtual reality riding, team setup, a happy goodbye and a question of accessibility. week ending: 21/01/2022]
Weeknotes s02e02
TL:DR Roll out, act up, meetings all the way; week ending: 14/01/2022.
Weeknotes s01e18
TL:DR; Community is so important and I wish poor pitches were as easy to get rid of as fireplaces. [week ending: 07/05/21]
Weeknotes s01e16
TL:DR; Accessibile mermaids, bight riding and fabulous conversations. [week ending: 23/04/2021]
Weeknotes s01e15
TL:DR; Asynchronous communication, digital in integrated care and a whole lot of outdoors. [week ending: 16/04/2021]
Weeknotes s01e14
TL:DR; Back to a single job or five. Brilliant conversations and working across boundaries.
[week ending: 09/04/21]