Weeknotes s01e04

TL:DR; Making connections and meaning, heartbreak and hope.
[week ending: 29/01/2021]

Sun rise behind a silhoutted flower in front of a frosty field

Weeknotes s01e03

TL:DR; Exciting news, better governance, better service design. [week ending 22/01/2021]

Weeknotes s01e02

TL;DR: Sorting out my privacy, feeling the cognitive load and the need for better leaders. [week ending 15/01/2021]

A frosty sunrise in the Forest of Dean with mist over the River Severn.

Weeknotes s01e01

TL;DR: Finally started weeknotes, embedding habits, reflecting at the start of a new year. [week ending 08/01/2021]